November 29, 2008

Good Bye My Friend.....

it's not easy to find a message on your phone, telling you that one of your best friends has just died.

and it happened to me.

this morning, when I had not waken up yet, when the sun had not shines yet, my phone rang..
it told me that she has gone, forever...

I try to understand this message, thinking it was not real.
but it is!

looking at her pale face at the ceremony, made me remember her when she was alive.

why did it happen so suddenly??

my tear's flowing down with the broken heart.

all that I can do is pray, hope she can find the better place in there..

"Rest in Place : Christa"

Bye Myspace Comments

November 28, 2008

what has happened with us??

why is United States more advanced in international trade?
why is Japan more advanced in technology?
why is England more advanced in education?
why is Thailand more advanced in tourism?

the only answer is because they are proud of their nations.

the feeling of proud of their nations stimulates them to give the best, they can do for their nations. they want everything that they have done will make their nations lead at the front. it is the basic thought if we want to make our nation becomes advanced among another.
unfortunately, we sometimes ignore this feeling by thinking our nation is just the biggest organization where we live and are protected under it. we do not realize how rich our nation, comparing with another countries. we have the ability to advance this country and lead another by our power. but the problem is we are LAZY.
we are lazy to do something usefull, we are lazy to say our nation's ability, and we are lazy to give the worthy for this nation.
what we do is just making money, even we have to 'sell' our nation's name.
what has happened with us??

as long as we do not do positive act, this nation always be nothing in this world.

November 25, 2008

Eksistensi UU APP

pasca pengesahan UU APP beberapa waktu lalu telah memancing keresahan pada sebagian pihak masyarakat. wajar saja kalau peristiwa ini menerima banyak sorotan publik serta gerakan anti UU APP, karena apa yang diatur di dalamnya bukan sesuatu yang seharusnya dikodifikasi sebagai UU. ditambah lagi aturan tersebut bersifat multitafsir yang jelas akan menimbulkan berbagai pertanyaan mengenai apa yang dimaksud di dalamnya.
apa yang diatur dalam UU APP telah membatasi ruang dunia entertainment, ruang pekerja seni, ruang jurnalistik, ruang budaya, serta kebebasan berpakaian yang dianggap sebagai hak asasi manusia untuk bersandang.
apakah ini tujuan dari adanya UU tersebut?? melanggar HAM.
cara berpakaian bukan termasuk dalam norma hukum namun dalam norma kesopanan, dimana sanksi terhadap pelanggaran norma kesopanan berasal dari masyarakat sendiri, bukan pemerintah!!
negara kita adalah negara demokrasi, dimana setiap orang berhak menentukan pilihannya sendiri, termasuk cara berpakaian. namun apa yang disebut demokrasi di Indonesia sudah menyimpang dari ideologi yang seharusnya. demokrasi selalu diidentikkan dengan kemauan mayoritas yang harus direalisasikan. hal inilah yang salah.
bayangkan saja jika para penari adat yang berpakaian terbuka untuk melestarikan budaya, apakah mereka akan ditangkap karena telah melanggar UU ini?
jika para perancang busana ingin mengeksplor hasil karya seni mereka, apakah mereka layak ditangkap hanya karena melanggar aturan itu?
jika para jurnalistik sedang meliput aksi budaya, pantaskah mereka dilarang?
jika para turis asing berkunjung ke Indonesia karena terkesan budaya kita, wajarkah bila mereka ditangkap?
ketika waktu nanti berbicara, imbas negatif dari UU APP akan terlihat nantinya.

November 24, 2008

My Friendship

I have no idea anymore to save this friendship. it is not about me, it is about what is happening between them.
although I am not involved in the case, but I have to try to fix it.
I do not want the case becomes bigger than before.
all this times, I could listen to what they said, and now I must do something for them.
but how??
this is what I am thinking..
is there anyone there who can help me???

Friends Myspace Comments

November 13, 2008

Dunia Emang Penuh Kejutan

ternyata Tuhan punya seg
dini hari tadi, sebelum sinar matahari menampakkan batang sinarnya, gw terima sms kalo salah satu temen sma sekaligus kuliah gw baru aja kehilangan ibu. emang sih minggu kemaren dia sempet cerita kalo ibunya lagi di rumah sakit. ibunya abis kena vertigo dan sempet juga stroke. saat itu gw cuma bisa ngomong moga-moga ibunya cepet pulang dari rumah sakit alias sembuh. eh ga taunya emang bener pulang dari rumah sakit, tapi udah 'nggak ada'.
setelah terima sms sekitar jam 4 pagi, gw ga bisa tidur. mata sih udah pengen ketutup aja, tapi feeling gw ga bisa tenang.
gw ga bisa bayangin perasaan kehilangan salah satu orang tercinta, tapi yang jelas gw tau rasanya pasti dalam banget.
rencananya gw bareng temen-temen sma gw bakal melayat siang ini.
doain sama-sama ya biar temen gw n keluarganya tabah nerima kepergian sang ibu, n semoga arwah sang ibu bisa tenang di sana..

Bye Myspace Comments

November 12, 2008


These weeks we have heard about an under-age marriage which was done by Syekh Puji. The basic of the case is he married a twelve-years-old girl, named Lutfiana Ulfa.

At the beginning, his first wife (Umi Hani) held a competition to look for a second wife for Syekh Puji, and one of the rules was the candidate must be graduated from elementary school. And finally, the competition got twenty candidates and determined Lutfiana Ulfa as the winner. From this point, we can see that they who held the competition (not only Umi Hani, but also Syekh Puji) had broke the law. According to Law number 1 of 1974 about Marriage, a marriage will be recognized only when the groom is at least nineteen years old and the bride is at least sixteen years old. The law has been made because children under the designeted ages are not ready for a marriage mentally and physically. Mentally, they are children who need to enhance their skills in school and have the opportunity to enjoy their teenaged life. Physically, their bodies are not ready to have reproducted.

Actually, Syekh Puji could not be sued by this law because his marriage had not been registrated yet in KUA (Kantor Urusan Agama). But there was an evidence that Lutfiana and he have had sex. Law says that only they who have married can have sex. So we can conclude it is a raping or prostitusm (although Lutfiana said she did it by love, we still do not know the truth).

Lutfiana Ulfa's parents also broke Law number 23 0f 2002 about Child Protection. It is stated that parents must not make any marriage for an under aged child.

The case took much attention from people, Ministry of Religion, The Head Of MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia) and also The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI).

Syekh Puji convinced that his marriage is legal by Islam Law. But he lives in Indonesia so he also have to obey the Positive Law. The Islam Law says that the minimum age for girl to have a marriage is twelve years old, but the Positive Law states that the minimum age is sixteen years old. This is a chaos in law because there are two different directions in law and they are admitted in this nation.

Few days ago, The Head of MUI and Kak Seto, The Head of The Indonesian Child Protection Commission came to Semarang to discuss this case with Syekh Puji. Eventually, Syekh Puji decided to return Lutfiana to her family for a while until she is sixteen years old and then they are going to marry legally. I do thinking that it is the best wayout for the case because after what Syekh Puji had done with Lutfiana, definitely, Lutfiana would not have the same days as a teenager anymore. No public school can accept a married girl to study in school because it is the rule of school. And she gets her name bad in society. Syekh Puji is liable to this situation. Therefore he gives home schoolling to Lutfiana and must marry her when she is sixteen years old.

We have to be disapproved of the under age marriage !! Because once it becomes a jurisprudence, there will be many children get stuck in a marriage which can fade their future. SUPPORT Indonesian Law for the better nation !!!